Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tomorrows and Yesterdays

Your tomorrows are hidden in mists and in clouds
Your yesterdays lost behind worries and doubts
You have a Saviour who is Lord over all
So rest in green pastures; He has led you before.

You know that God cares and has plans for your life
You may not perceive them; you just sense worry and strife
But He knows the path that he wants you to take
Life is a maze but the Lord knows the way.

You are seeking His will, and ponder and pause
Is it this way, or that, the Lord plans your course?
Just take hold of His hand and His peace will enfold
He will open the doors to wonders untold.

Treasures of darkness; wisdom coming to light
Shafts of moonlight will pierce the darkest of nights
Clouds rolling by but blue skies will come
Everything changes; God is here in your room.

Wyn Barratt June 2012.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

God is here in your room, I like that thought Wyn. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Unknown said...

What a comfort it is to know God is really here persoanlly with each one of us! Thanks Marja.