Saturday, March 30, 2013

Part Of Me.

Part of me wants to walk through the desert
Part of me wants to be at the sea
All of me wants to be in the stillness
And all of me be close to Thee.

Hiding, abiding are all that I’m heeding
But should I be placed in a crowd
How would I deal with the noise and the bustle?
Could I even whisper aloud?

Would You then wrap me up in Your Spirit
Help me be quiet and calm?
Safe in Your love and my right to be in it
Do You shield my spirit from harm?

My arms are held out as I feel Your assurance
Is there someone else I can hold too?
Whisper the names of those needing Your Spirit
May I help them climb up into You?

Lord, I want to walk through the desert
Yet I long to stay near the sea
Part of me wants to breathe in the stillness
But sharing the love You pour into me.

Wyn Barratt  March 2013.

Friday, March 29, 2013

I Love The Ocean

O how I love the ocean; fearsome yet gentle too
One day I’ll rest upon it and be carried home to You
Its constancy of surging is my best lullaby
However hard the day may be, the night flows gently by.

It reminds me of Your Spirit You said is always near
To comfort, check, and carry, and wipe away our tears
For all Your life was driven by passion for our God
And you are still beside us, steadying the steps we’ve trod.

A whisper from Your Spirit that comes with every wave
Says ‘Hear Me for I love you; it’s you I came to save’.
The ocean is my healing as it sets my thoughts on You
At night Your love revealing, Your voice still coming through.

 Wyn Barratt March 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Put Your Hands On Me.


Put Your hands on my weaknesses
Help me to be strong
I’m following Your footsteps Lord
That’s just where I belong
I was twisting and turning
Facing the wrong way
When a light came from heaven
That showed me the way.

Then You looked into my heart Lord
And what did You see?
You saw pain and darkness
As deep as the sea
You knew that my yearning
Would never be filled
Without You came inside of me
And Oh Lord was I thrilled!

You put Your hands on my weaknesses
As I climbed up a wall
I intended to leap it
But feared I might fall
You remembered my darkness
And my need to be filled
You held me up inside Your arms
And Oh, Lord, I was filled!

Would someone put this to music please?

Wyn Barratt

March 2013.

Monday, March 18, 2013

When We Fail

When we fail You, Lord, do we feel that You failed us
By allowing us to sin and fall from Grace?
Does our freedom of choice make us hear the wrong voice
And attraction turns our gaze from Your face?

We may look at Adam and Eve; wonder why they were deceived
Yet that weakness shows its strength many times
Are we no wiser now since our hand’s been on the plough
As we struggle with life’s reasons and rhymes.

Well the answer of course is that in God we have recourse
He will forgive if we truly repent
Our free will is God’s gift to give us an aim and not just drift
He gave us a future and with hope it should be spent.

Wynb. March 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hold My Heart.

Lord I am so glad that I have You
Without You beside me what would I do?
I’d turn this way and that way, what should I do on any day?
Without You beside me what’d I do?

Lord I am so glad you watch my mouth
It’s always been my weakness when I spout
My tongue is so unruly not guarded by yours truly
Without You guard my tongue what’d I do?

Lord I am so glad You hold my heart
It’s so full of love for what You are
When I’m Holy Spirit guided it’s because You are beside me
Without You hold my heart what would I do?

Wyn Barratt March 2013.