Saturday, May 1, 2010

Carers Update

It is only a month since my husband of almost 60 years passed away.
God was merciful to take him and He even honoured him by taking him on Holy Saturday. He suffered for years with Parkinson’s disease and Diabetes as well, for good measure, and was desperately ill, emaciated and in a lot of pain before the end.

Some weeks before his death Geoff joked that he hoped God would not call him on April Fool’s Day. God did better than that. He called him on a Holy day.

I am becoming used to a silent empty house and the phone ringing frequently as my family check on me regularly.

I go for long walks and look enviously upon the groups of ‘normal families’ where husband or grandad is still present.

Those of you in the Carers group know full well the longings of the carer and patient to live a ‘normal’ life. Let me remind you though, that the normal families will not experience the heights and depths of the love and care that is experienced between the sick person and their carer.

This sacrificial love was first shown by our Saviour Jesus Christ when He gave up His Heavenly Throne and died, tortured and beaten, on the cross at Calvary.

Jesus rose again triumphant and if our loved ones have given their hearts to the Lord, they will return triumphant in the skies when Jesus comes back for us who remain behind.
What a reunion!!!! The angels will hardly make their trumpets heard over the excited chatter of loved ones reunited again.

So dear ones, let’s walk close to the side of our loving Lord until that great and glorious day of the Lord dawns.

Wyn Barratt.


Anonymous said...

Your wonderful Faith will always carry the day. I feel blessed just to know you my precious friend.

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Dear Wyn, it is only now that I read about Geoff's passing away. what a difficult time this must be for you. Please accept my condolances. I had to smile when I read his wish not be taken home on April fools day, good sense of humor, I am sure you will miss that. I wonder if it is strange now to have the house for yourself and no one to take care of, sort of must make you feel empty handed. I pray the Lord will keep you and comfort you whenever you need it most.
You are in my prayers Wyn!

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Dear Wyn,
I thought I left a comment here a few days back, but I guess it didn't go through.
I did not know about Geoffs passing until recently, when I read your blogpost. I am so sorry to hear this and I am thankful at the same time because he is free from his suffering. I hope you are doing well!

wyn said...

Sorry, folks,
I didn't know there were comments waiting for 'moderation'.
Things are getting too complicated for me these days. "old dogs' ,you know.
Thank you Jeff, your love and encouragement still mean such a lot to me.
Marja, I find it hard not being able to tell Geoff stuff as a comment as soon as it happens.
I'm getting stronger every day but I have still have 'soggy pillow' nights.