Monday, August 2, 2010

The Big Compelling Of God.

‘The work we do is of no account. It is so much scaffolding compared to the big compelling of God.’ Oswald Chambers.

Carry me off in Your compelling
I’m of no use unless You do
Seeing myself without Your indwelling
Is such a failure of use to You?

Carry me off until I hear You
Hearing Your breath against my heart
Waiting, and listening, learning to fear You
Your own compelling has set me apart.

Carry me off in Your compelling
Wherever, whatever You want me to do
Yours is the plan and when the Spirit’s indwelling
You, Lord, will mold me and carry me through.

I give up the struggle of, ‘shall I? or shan’t I’?
You’ve chosen me and You know what to do
I do not need to see where You are aiming
You have compelled me, I’m going with You.

©2010 Aug. Wyn Barratt.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Thank you Wyn for your beautiful words. God compells me... that's worth meditating on...

wyn said...

It fascinated me too. I thought of it as my bridegroom, persistant and insistant. Wonderful.