Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rock Our World.

When things go wrong and troubles lie around your own front door
And those you love are hurting too but you can’t help any more
There is a place beyond the skies above where dreams can all come true
For God has many helpers who reached Heaven before you do.

I believe our Mums and Dads with Grandparents galore
Are waiting for instructions to help their loved ones more
Could God hand out a message for how they might assist
And smooth the path just now and then? No parent could resist!

I cannot swear that this is true, but my idea of fun
For I would love just one more time to see my Grandad run!
Our God’s a God of miracles and pours out love on us
We all know He makes exciting plans when we don’t make a fuss.

So tell Him all, so quietly, for He hears whispers best
Then slide your arms around His neck, your head upon His breast
Your hope becomes your future His plans are set in Rock
For God can do just anything and your world too can rock!

W.B. Nov ‘14

Help Me

Help me walk in Your footsteps
Let me die in Your arms
May my memory be clearest
Of how You kept me from harm
For Your love will never leave me
As in Your presence I stand
All the time nearing Heaven
And its glorious land.

W.B. Nov ‘14

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

In Your Presence.

I am here in Your presence with another new day
Lord I cherish my friendships that don’t fade away
Friends are for ever given through Your love
And as long as we love You we’ll still be friends above.

Hear my prayers dear Saviour for each loving friend
Keep them safe, send them blessings until life one day ends
Wrap them in joy, strengthen their faith, and see the world through Your eyes
On each new day kiss them with fresh love and surprise.

Let me kneel in Your presence, let me die in Your arms
May my faith be like a fortress and despise the world’s charms
Give me a sense of other’s needs and the means to refill
Every hole that aches inside as they seek Your own will.

W..B. Nov ‘14