Monday, July 20, 2015

There's Still Time.

When Abraham was ninety was he just too old to change?
Well I am not quite ninety yet but couldn’t walk the range
My Shepherd is beside me, He knows my weaknesses
But I will cling to Him for He expects that I will change.
‘Walk before Me’ says the Saviour ‘and be perfect in my sight’
Walking‘s slow and steady and what Jesus says is right
Each step will take me nearer to the Home prepared for me
As the Spirit makes me perfect in the eyes that look on me.

There’s still time, yes there’s still time
For a few more breaths a few more days, another rhyme
Walk with me at the Saviours side, I’d love your company
The road can be so lonely and I’d love you close to me
The soft green hills the rugged crags are not too hard at all
When you have a friend who takes your hand and helps you lest you fall
So if we walk together before the Saviour’s eyes
We’ll climb the road to Glory and nothing will surprise.

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