Monday, January 24, 2011

From This Day On.

From this day on, my heart will love You, Father
Now on this day Oh God forgive my sin
I hold my arms out to receive Your love, Lord
And welcome cleansing from the dross within.

When I ignored the promises You made to me
And doubted in my heart they could come true
For me, who was Your undeserving child, Lord
I spurned Your love and all that You might do.

So now I claim Your faithful Word and promises
Forgive me, Lord, I will renew my path
Each step I take will lead me nearer Glory
Just to return Your Love is all I ask.

Dear Holy Spirit I am so sorry I hurt You
Denied Your power and that‘s the sin of pride
Brushed off Your love, a love that took You to the cross
O hold me, shield me, in Your heart I’ll hide.

Jan 2011. (Sing to 'Danny Boy')


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

I recognize this Wyn, sometimes I notice that I do not really trust God to be true to His promises, just a little thought somethimes, or creating a plan B... well, you know what I mean.
Great verses.

wyn said...

You are so right, Marja.

I was shocked to realise that I had been thinking of God's promises as possiblities.
That was such a sin of arrogence! Boy , do I need some work doing in my life!

Maz said...

Hi wyn - though provoking post!
You take care
(((hugs)))from Scotland!
Maz x

wyn said...

Thanks, Maz!
Hope all is well at your end!