Stay right here beside me Lord, I’m afraid to be alone
I know my days are counted but I long to be called home
You said You’ll never leave me, and I believe that to be true
But Lord I am so lonely, and I want to live with You.
I’ve no imagination and I can’t pretend I see
That You are here beside me, as close as close can be
I wake up in the morning and I say “Good morning God”
But I wish that I could see You, and You’d give a friendly nod.
When I want to tell You things, I don’t know where to look
For I think You’re at my side as it says in the good Book
But Your Spirit is inside me, so all I have to do
Is close my eyes and whisper, “Dear Jesus I need You”.
Then right away You hear me and Your answer is prepared
Though it may not come at once, I know that You have heard
For You are right beside me, Lord, closer than my breath
And I’ll remember how You love me, for You loved me to death.
Wyn Barratt
Jan 2012
Such a lovely expression of your longing for Jesus, Wyn. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with all of us.
Pam at 2 Encourage
I just wouldn't want to live without my Lord and I don't care who knows it. I wish everyone would hunger for Him as I do. Maybe it's an age thing I don't really know.
Thank you Pam,
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