This is your Easter and it’s mine. We nailed Christ to the Cross
A Holy living sacrifice; God accepted his Son’s loss
My life, my death not good enough to pay the price of sin
The highest and the purest Life it took to let me in
To Heavens glorious spotless halls, to see the face of God
Yet God said “Yes!” and Christ said “Yes!” to the path that must be trod.
I look around at all God made, a mirror shows my shame
That I a vision of all that’s poor should carry a name He gave
What have I ever said or done worthy of a thought
Let alone a tortured cruel death to lift me up from nought?
Were I to live a thousand years in a pure and holy life
I never could deserve the blood as Jesus gave His life
The Father gave His only Son a mother her firstborn
And all accepted this, their fate, since the day that Christ was born.
How can I then fret or complain when trials follow me?
I have my life, my hope, my God and all things meant to be.
The blessings He bestows on me far more than I deserve
The prayerful love of family and friends without reserve
And yet if only one deep prayer I’ve sent on their behalf
Were to come true, and all through You, how it would bless my heart
So from my heart, oh Lord, my God, I thank you here and now
For answers to my whispered prayers though they don’t come here and now
The life of God was given in love and answered prayers the same
Whatever forms those answers take they’ll come in Jesus name.
Wyn Baratt April 2012