Sunday, June 23, 2013

Teach Me Your Truth

Teach me Your Truth oh Spirit of Truth
And let me learn from You
My cloudy future hides reproof
If I see my life through You
Old age no barrier to Your plans
One day is all You need
Obedience takes error from my hands
Will I then gather speed?

Teach me to be quiet under stress
To rest in peace on You
To see the sun both rise and set
And know I am blessed by You
Teach me to praise and pray for all
Be sensitive to their need
To spread the love You feel for all
Tell them a Saviour hears

Help me forget myself this day
To lock my eyes on You
To praise You As You plan my way
As I am led by You.
You wrap me in Your kindly love
Harsh judgements cannot pierce
And I still have some work to do
Old age cannot defeat.

W.B.  June 2013.

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