Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lord, Let My End Come Quietly.

Lord, let my end come quietly
May my spirit soar aloft
On the breezes of the ocean
That feels so pure and soft.

Lord, let my end come joyfully
So my spirit still will sing
Your praises as You beckon me
To fly up on heaven’s wings.

Lord, let my end come gently
As You lift me in Your arms
May my family claim Eternity
With freedom from all harm.

Lord, let the memory of me
Be tempered with the thought
That I loved You in spite of
Not doing all I ought.

Lord, let my end be a welcome
Into the home of God
I long to hear the words,’ Well done
You were true to the heart of God’.

Wyn Barratt.
Nov 2011


Nikki (Sarah) said...

HI Wyn...a beautiful heartfelt prayer. Sending you tons of hugs. And glad to connect with you. ☺

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Oh Wyn, what a beautiful song/prayer.

wyn said...

Lovely to hear from you Nikki
Glad of the hugs!

wyn said...

Thank you Marja,

I love Muttonbird Hill and I climb it as often as I can but it is so very steep. My mind seems to set free to write as I watch the ocean. It's my favourite place in the whole world,

Cynthia said...

Such a beautiful piece of writing. Many blessings!

wyn said...

Thank you Cynthia,
Sometimes I think I see the lights of Home. What a glorious day that will be!

Toni Nelson said...

So thankful to my Savior for placing such beautiful Christian women in my life. Thank you for the poem, Wyn. It is absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thank you Toni,
Every blessing,