Sunday, July 15, 2012

What Can We Ask Of You, Lord?

What can we ask of You Lord, something bigger than our dreams?
What can we do for You Lord, if our talents are not what they seem?
You gave Your all for us Lord, what can we bring to You?
Fields of souls are waiting for someone to help them through.

Nothing too hard for You Lord; anything we could do
Leaping a wall is possible when Your power is coming through
Praying down many blessings when we kneel at the Master’s feet
Winning lost souls for Jesus, for their lives are incomplete.

Feeding the poor and the hungry, lifting their eyes to You
Showing Your love to our neighbour, proving we’re straight and true
Too many lives are shattered by evil, grief and pain
Only our Savour matters and He saves again and again.

What can we ask of You Lord, something bigger than our dreams?
You know the answer to that, Lord Your power will always exceed
Whatever we ask or think and whatever we hope or plan
Yours is the power and glory since ever the world began.

Wyn Barratt July 2012.

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