Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Has Your Daddy Gone Away?

Little girl why are you crying? 
Has your Daddy gone away?
I know he is a soldier,
Was he sent to fight that day?

Don’t think he doesn’t love you
For he didn’t want to go
But his country really needed him
He is brave and strong you know.

When you grow up you’ll understand
Bad things happen round the world
Then the brave and strong are called upon
To free people who are hurt.

Your Mummy wants to hold you
And together you’ll be strong
For your Daddy, since he loves you
And to each other you belong.

Wyn Barratt Sept 11th 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Is there darkness all around you
Silence that is hard to bear?
Then reach out your hand in faith, child
I am there, yes, I am there.

Testings come all shapes and sizes
Faith is one size that fits all
Only faith will be the key now
That opens up the darkened hall.

Don’t imagine you’re a failure
Just because you cannot see
I have treasures hid in darkness
And I want you close to me.

I am the Way, I know you read it
I am the Truth; I’ll lead you through
It’s not your way, so give Me credit
I have the greatest plans for you.

Look up, I’m watching, waiting, loving
Look down, your feet are on the Rock
Look round, tell others I am coming
Don’t listen to the ones that mock.

Wyn Barratt  Sept 2012.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Empty Pews


Well, here is Sunday morning and the trillions in the world
Are in deep consideration; is it God’s turn to be heard?
From day to day and week to week He’s never in their thoughts
Unless they see some lightning and thunder runs its course
The thought will cross their mind at once to cry ‘Oh God help me’
Don’t let the lightning strike me, remember I’m Your child you see’.
It is the same should terror strike and fear wraps round their heart
That they are not immortal and I’m not in their heart.

Will anybody come to church to hear a word from Me?
Leave out the Ten Commandments we are modern here you see.
It’s now the ten suggestions; we have a free will choice
It’s better if we did not kill but I hear the world rejoice.
The bad guy’s gone the good will win; well, who is good or bad?
You all took up the cruel nails and yet the choice was Mine I had.
I chose to die that you might live, to give My life for yours
If you check the Ten Commandments you’ll not find in there a clause.

I gave my life up freely; your only path to God;
It took the life of your Creator to buy you back for God.
So remember that it’s Sunday and while empty pews abound
Don’t turn off your cell phone, a better message may come down.
Some one will say buy this, do that, your life will be a whizz;
But will it take you home to heaven when your breath ends with a fizz?
Have you forgotten, stone cold heart, that I loved you to death?
And as I hung upon the cross I said with My last breath,

“Father forgive them for they really don’t know what they do.
Then let My life become the bridge they walk across to You’’.
In church upon an empty pew; at home down on your knees;
At any place at any time Your God is one Who hears.
He watches out, He listens too, for every whispered prayer
If you should say you love Him, and mean it, every word,
Then you will just have made His day and everything’s worthwhile
For love returned though never earned is enough to make God smile.

Wyn Barratt 2012

How Long Will It Take?

How long will it take to change me?
Lord, why do I let You down?
I just want to show I love You
Not seeking a victor’s crown.
I’d like to be quiet and obedient
And yet I holler and fret
While You stand there beside me
Do You ask, “Are you finished, yet?”

My questions keep on increasing
My failures are doing that too
Yet I want to show that I love You
What am I doing to you?
Friends, I cannot give an answer
To the questions that bother me so
For though I’ve had years of practice
I still have a long way to go.

I hope that you love my Saviour
And don’t holler and fuss like me
Then your lessons in life will be shortened
If you realise God set you free
From questions that have no answers
Like the why, oh why is this so?
If you cut to the chase and show your faith
You won’t have a long way to go.

Wyn Barratt  Sept 2012.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

This is the Way. Is 30.21

This is the way, walk in it
Now, child, while you still have breath
Hear My simple instruction
Why do you worry and fret?
I’ll close the doors that you opened
If I don’t want you to go through
I’ll engineer circumstances
To keep your heart pure and true.

So don’t plan ahead, just listen
And pray, and pray, and pray
Then I can guide your decisions
You will not be led astray.
Keep your eyes to the Bible
Your heart to my heart is bound
I will control your survival
Till you in Heaven are found.

This is the way, walk ye in it
You are travelling with Me
You are one with the Father and Spirit
And the Son has set you free.
You will do what I’m urging
Your yearnings have come from the throne
Each day a new beginning
Each night a step nearer Home.

Wyn Barratt  Sep 2012.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

There Will Never Be A Time.


There will never be a time when You don’t love me
There will never be a time when You don’t care
You washed my sins away and You forgot them from that day
There will never be a time You won’t be there.

There will never be a time that I forget You
For You have done so much for me
Lord, I vow to You this day I will never walk away
For You vowed that You’d never  leave me.

One day You’ll call me Home; we’ll be together
I’ll be held by all my loved ones once again
This long and lonely road will disappear      
In a world of love and joy with no more pain.

There will never be a time when You don’t love me
And Lord I say AMEN!AMEN to that!

Wyn Barratt  Sep 2012

The Old.

Did you see that old lady walk slowly this way?
Did she lean on an old bent cane?
She once went to London with an Athletic Team
Before her 14th birthday came.

Don’t despise the old people that pass slowly by
They have stories of when they were young
They were fit then, and active, the world at their feet
Yet now to history belong.

We all have our youth but it will never last
Our lives but a passage in time
But the old have a history whether written or not
They remember when life seemed sublime.

So now as they wander the doorsteps of Heaven
And wait to be called up Home
Please remember old folk with a kind thought or two
For they once had lives like your own.

Wyn Barratt. Sept 2012.

In The Shadows.

Waiting in the shadows, watching life go by
Others flying high now, free and in the sky
Wondering why I’m earth bound, what have I to give?
Shadows hold my secrets, another life to live.

Dreaming of a future but maybe I’m too late
Hoping no one notices, yet hoping I’d be great
At helping broken hearted ones, I’ve had mine broken too
Curing all diseases and making bodies new.

Holding hurting children, pouring out the love
That lies unused, unwanted, though given from above
Running at Your call, Lord, what would You have me do?
Your mission and Your power Lord will surely see me through.

Waiting in the shadows, silence all around
Listening for Your voice Lord, and longing to be found
Here I am so needy yet wanting to be used
Lord why did you make me? I need to be of use.

Wyn Barratt  Sept 2012.