Saturday, August 9, 2014

Where Did Love Go?

For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His only Son
For the righteous? Or the holy? NO, He gave to everyone
To the whosoever’s of this world however evil they might be
For we all needed a Saviour so Christ died upon that tree.

And what comes next? We point the finger and say it’s someone else’s fault
We blame the Christians and the Muslims and blame God who is not at fault
Do we blame ourselves, that we have sinned and turned our back on God’s own love?
When He offers tender mercy and His cleansing in the BLOOD.

Well we all have an opinion and so we spit out thick and green
For it is venom from that old snake with his forked tongue. Have you seen?
So where is love? Where is the Christ and the blood He shed for you?
He is waiting at the Mercy Seat, it’s not too late for me and you.

W.B.. Aug’14


Elizabeth Parker said...

I ask that question often....where is the love! <3

Unknown said...

Me too! Fear and hate are twins that destroy love wherever they see it.