Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Message From God.

* Place your own name where it says ‘child’.

Let me just hold you today, child
You are always rushing around
You need to stop, rest, and listen
Your feet hardly touch the ground.

I want to give rest to your soul, child
To whisper my blessings to you
I gave up My life FOR you, my child,
Now I want to give life TO you.

I’m always as close as your breathing
I hear every whispered plea.
You say you are not a believer
Yet I’ve heard you cry, “Oh God, help me!”

So today, my arms are around you
Just relax for a moment or two
And look in My Word for some guidance
As I whisper, dear one, I love you.


1 comment:

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hi Wyn, great ponderings! I love this blog, what a great way to get your writings on the web, it crosses nations and oceans! And yes, isn't God's love for us beyond understanding?!
Thanks for sharing.