Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mother of the Groom.

Where did the days go? I lost my boy today.
Some woman came and took him right away.
She told me that she loved him, but then so did I
And I wanted the boy I knew to stay.
He was a cute and chubby baby, who loved to play
A ready laugh, and he liked to make me smile.

At school he’d once run home with his face all flushed with grief
Some little bug had died inside his sleeve.
He found it in a puddle and felt he’d rescued it
He had hidden it where his teacher couldn’t tell.
Now Mick is all grown up and he loves a sweet young girl
God chose them for each other, I’m sure of it.

They will walk in sweet communion
For God has blessed their union
And my son is now a man as all can tell.
But to me he’s still my baby
Whom I loved and prayed for daily
And I am still his Mom, so really, all is well.

Wyn Barratt
August 2009.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Precious words Wyn, beautiful words from a mother and grandmother, you should read it to him!

wyn said...

It wasn't my son I was writing about. It never happened to me although I adore both my twin sons, but only one ever married. Both the boys are single now.
However I believe every mother of a son would feel just like that don't you?