Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Last Poem?


Will this be the last poem that you see?
How often that thought has come to me
When no ideas burn in my head
It comes with sorrow and a little dread.
For I know it won’t be that I am rushed
Or my arm is broken or my fingers crushed.

It will be because my mind is empty
No thoughts of God that I found tempting
Enough to sit and share my heart
As I ponder on Christ and do my part
To lift your eyes to the God above
Who gave up His Son to shed His blood.

I tried to show my human weakness
And how God forgave me in all His sweetness
How my humanity is just like yours
We could love Him together for we have just cause.
I always hoped that you would think on Him
And kneel to ask forgiveness of sins.

To know His angels watched over you
His Spirit guided and helped you through
I longed to know that you’d be in Heaven
And not in Hell for that I was dreading
I wanted the best for all of you
But I’m no preacher, that’s what I can’t do.

So if tomorrow I run out of time
Or my brain is empty and I can’t write a line
I’ll continue to pray for you seventy times seven
For I long to know you are coming to Heaven
I’ll wait at the gates to welcome you through
And you’ll take my hand as I hope you will do.

We’ll push through the crowds to the Saviour’s feet
And Jesus will smile and say “Isn’t that neat!
I’m so happy that you read the notes that I sent
From Wyn’s computer for her to ‘send’
For I longed to know you were coming to Heaven
So I left Wyn on earth till I knew you were ready."

Wyn Barratt  August 2012.

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