Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Love Over All.


Lord, make me loving, gentle and kind
All the things that You had in mind
When You called me out of the crowd.
I was young, then, fiery and loud.
Fighting all injustices
In distress about all distress
Stern, judgmental, critical
Drawn into all that’s political.

Change the world!  That was my task
That’s how I saw myself while life did last
But then You put Your gaze on me
That’s when I saw You on the tree
A meek and gentle Holy Man
Sacrificed there as God’s own Lamb.
Now I am old yet still cannot change
Too much of ‘ME’ still roaming the range.

Lord, tear ‘ME’ apart, though I fear to say
Let no more of ‘ME’ remain this day
Help me die yet act my age
Holy Spirit please turn the page
May all my tomorrows shine with You
You are my God and I want to be true
Yet should I slip or even fall
I know Your love is over all.

Wyn Barratt  August 2012.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

I was just thinking about that this week Wyn.. no more of me, but more of Him!

Unknown said...

We have been sitting together in the school of the Holy Spirit!!!