Sunday, December 1, 2013

God Is Good

God is good; let the world declare it
Lord, open the eyes of the spiritually blind
From innocent children to the dying aged
We see and declare Lord, that You are kind.
So many times Your hand has blessed us
Not many times we expressed our thanks
With every sunrise You show You are faithful
For every sunset we will give thanks.
We thrill with a day started with You, Lord
And the peace of a night within Your arms
Trials and blessings our earthly adventures
Safe in the knowledge Your Spirit’s in ours.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

God is good! Amen.
If I don't feel that, I can always proclaim it, as the Psalmist often did, and as you are doing in your poems.

Unknown said...

That is true, Marja. Feelings can be treacherous. Blessings.