Saturday, May 28, 2011

Abandoned to You.

Abandoned to You, Lord, that’s what I want to be
I am tired of trying to stand on my own two feet, You see
I just want to throw myself at Your feet my Lord
Is that abandonment? Is it really, Lord?

Not I but Christ, Oh Lord that is my aim
Nothing I do seems to honour Your Name
Unless You do it for me and sweep me off my feet
I’m abandoning me, for it’s You I want to meet.

I need to be in ‘freefall’ as I’m abandoned to You
I throw myself into Your arms; the best thing I can do
You are my Master, my leader and my Friend
Unquestioning obedience until my life shall end.

My heart will know Your Peace when I’m abandoned to You
No fretting, no questioning; the best thing I could do
Waiting is not so hard when I am close to You
Fully abandoned, there’s no more ‘me’ just ‘You’.

Wyn Barratt.
May 2011


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Your inspiration seems to flow in bigger streams Wyn... keep 'm coming!

wyn said...

Thanks Marja, I try to keep my line open to God's whispers!