Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Heard Your Footsteps

I heard Your footsteps in the hall
On that night I gave my all
When I learned that You had died at Calvary
It was the first time I’d shed tears
For I’d hardened through the years
Not believing that Your love was meant for me.

You kept calling; You would not let go
A singer wrote that he loved You so
That music filled my soul and brought me to my knees
There was a love song in his heart
He shared the whole, not just a part
And all I wanted was to see my Saviour pleased.

I heard Your footsteps in the hall
And knew that I must give my all
To the Lamb of God Who died at Calvary
I’m glad I came that night You called
For at the Cross You gave Your all
And I know for sure Your love was meant for me.

God bless the singer who showed Your love to me.

W.B. AUG 2013.

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