Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Heart Wants To Tell

My heart wants to tell You how much, Lord, I love You
My mouth is just frozen in time
Are my tears the produce of emotional weakness
Is my spiritual life in decline?

When You should be in the forefront of my thinking
My problems will get in the way
I sigh at the difficulties I am facing
And my praising has fallen away.

Yet I know You are able and that You are willing
You are closer to me than my breath
So why am I settling for imminent failure
And see nothing ahead but my death?

The future is something I’d like to avoid
My history proves that is true
My hopes and my plans all sink into sand
Yet You are my hope, Lord, just You.

So if I step out into sunlight and warmth
Will Your presence be still with me then?
I would say, “Please convince me” But there’s some faith within me
That says You’re not there now and then

You are with me for ever in every endeavour
Though results are not all I would wish
I’ll try not to refer to the plans You have there
I’ll comply with faith, that is Your wish

W..B Aug 2013.

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