Monday, April 28, 2014

Who Then Is This? Mk.4.41

Who then, is this that the winds will obey Him?
Who then is He Who controls our world?
He is the Christ, our Lord and Creator
Can we not trust Him as through space we hurl?

Who is He who gave up His Glory?
Why, indeed would He do such a thing?
Driven by Love let our God tell the story
Nailed by sinners to a cross was our King.

He did it for you, dear friend, let me tell you
You were on his heart as He hung on that tree
Do not pass by and dismiss all His anguish
Hell’s gates are open, but let Christ set you free.

Over His body and through His blood’s curtain
Lies the salvation that would set you free
Hope and a future, of that you are certain
Your battles were won by Christ on the tree.

W.B. April ‘14

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