Sunday, December 18, 2011


There are roads both dry and dusty
There are roads bogged down in mud
There are roads laid down with tarmac
There are roads under a flood.
Some are narrow as well as winding
Some have holes as deep as me
But the road that is the best
Is the one that leads to me.

Please excuse me if I linger
For I hope that you will come
The night will fall; then morning comes
And I’ll be too tired to run
So I’ll wait under this sycamore
For a day or three
For the meeting that is best
Will be when you meet with me.

So now the sun is setting
And it will be one day more
Before you come and I will know
You don’t love me any more
So I’ll slowly walk back to my home
With just my memories
And I’ll remember that the best road
Was the one you walked with me.

Wyn Barratt
Dec 2011.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

The best road is where we walk together with Him Wyn, that is so true. He is light when we travel, His word a lamp to our feet.

wyn said...

He never fails to turn up because He never leaves.
I was thinking of the soldiers children. Some little ones feel that their father doesn't love them because he doesn't come home.
It is heartbreaking for both child and mother.