Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Saw The Rays From Heaven Touch The Sea.

I walked beside the ocean, it seemed quiet but waves were loud
The sunrays filtered softly down through the clouds
I looked up into heaven; I knew the Lord was watching me
When I saw the rays from heaven touch the sea.

This time the world looked different in the early morning light
The seagulls walking on the sand suddenly took flight
Fishermen were bringing boats back to the quay
When I saw the rays of heaven touch the sea.

The clouds had spread across the sky and blanketed the earth
Wrapped in heaven’s cotton wool I saw Your hand at work
The restless tide began to turn and flowed towards me
The day the rays of heaven came down to touch the sea.

I know that God is everywhere it is so plain to see
The wonders of Creation spread from mountains to the sea
Wherever I may go I know the Lord is watching me
When the rays of heaven come down and then touch me.

© Wyn Barratt.
Feb 2011.


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Wow, great one Wyn, I love it. And a good photo too.

wyn said...

Thank you, Marja,
Coffs Harbour is such a beautiful place. It is certainly a jewel in the crown of God's creation!.