Thursday, September 22, 2011

You Are My Lord.

You are my Lord. I cry out to the world today
Hear me! Hear me! Behold Your God!
Jesus, the crucified; Jesus, for us He died
Come now and see Him rise up from the dead.

He is Lord of the ages; the God of Creation
He walked the road to Calvary and went for you alone
Now risen up in victory He holds out His arms to you and me
Surrender to the Victor for He will lead you Home.

You are my Lord. I cry out to the world today
Hear me! Hear me! Behold your God!
Jesus the Creator the Saviour and the Master
Follow Him today and take the road He trod.

Wyn Barratt Sept 2011.


Aritha V. said...

Greet poem! Thank tou.

wyn said...

Thank you, Jedidja!
Have a great weekend!